JavaScript Embed

Embed your ads within minutes. Our embed is the easiest way to integrate your vehicules into your website.

Getting Started

For each integration, you need to create an embed code in your Caravan dealer account. Go to "Tools > Inserate-Integration".

Each embed code consists of two lines of code containing a token:

Caravan24 Embed Code
<div id="caravan24" data-token="..." data-language="de"></div>
<script src=""></script>

Simply copy and paste this code (including your embed token) and integrate it in the body of your website. The ads will be rendered automatically into the site.

Changing the language

To change the language of the integration, simply set the language code in the data-language attribute.

Language Code
<div id="caravan24" data-token="..." data-language="fr"></div>

Available languages

de, fr

Page Header Offset

If a visitor clicks on an ad in your embed, the browser will focus on top of the detail view of the ad. If you have a large page header and you want to keep this page header visible, you can define a offset value in pixels:

Offset Value
<div id="caravan24" data-token="..." data-offset="150"></div>

With this offset value set, the detail view will open with x Pixels of the page header visible.

Last updated